Deciding who watches what is tricky enough in normal houses. But in buildings with multiple residents or visitors – like schools, hospitals and apartment blocks - giving everyone the chance to access the entertainment they want is an even bigger challenge.
Of course, there are specialised communal and commercial satellite systems that are specifically designed for this purpose, and here at Slough Aerials & Satellites, we’re experts at supplying the hardware (including set-top boxes and dishes), installing it all, and providing repairs and maintenance services as and when required.
If you need our commercial aerials expertise, call us on 0800 051 7674.
If you’re here to find out more about the leading communal digital TV systems, here’s a quick overview of the best options available:
Get access to the full range of digital TV channels and radio stations from Sky, Freesat Freeview, all other subscription services, free-to-air channels and some of the less well known foreign language satellite services.
You can transmit all these entertainment packages to tenants / patients / students, or whatever large group of people require different TV services. It’s a system that’s particularly popular with housing apartment developers and landlords in Oxfordshire, Middlesex and Berkshire who are looking to offer an outstanding and all-encompassing TV service.
Master Antenna Television transmits TV and radio signals via an antenna to multiple points in an apartment building or public complex.
Satellite Master Antenna Television uses a TV aerial in conjunction with a satellite dish to receive programmes from various broadcasters and local TV and radio networks. It then combines them all into a single feed which customers can pick and choose from.
Both MATV and SMATV are ideal for hotels and hospitals, prisons and sports clubs because they deliver TV and radio services to highly populated areas. In our opinion, they offer the most cost-effective, multi-site commercial TV system available.
Call the Slough Aerials & Satellites team for advice and guidance. And if you hire us to install your system we’ll be sure to hide away unsightly cables and aerials, or talk you through the wireless options.
Our Commercial team is trained to excel in all areas of aerial technology and to deliver the kind of communal TV solutions our commercial customers require.
We can help you with any or all of the following, wherever you’re based in Berkshire, Middlesex or Oxfordshire:
Planning your commercial TV set-up
Designing your commercial TV set-up
Costing commercial TV projects
Installing commercial TV systems
Maintaining & Supporting commercial TV systems
Our number is 0800 051 7674